According to a Survey, This Is the Minimum Income Required to Live Happily in New York

According to a Survey, This Is the Minimum Income Required to Live Happily in New York

The short answer to the question of how much money you must earn to live happily in New York is “a lot.” According to a Purdue University and GoBankingRates study, New York’s “empire-sized costs of living” require a minimum annual salary of $155,610 to be happy there. The writers claim,… Continue reading

Gas, Electricity Bills in Europe Could Jump to 4.5% of Disposable Income in 2023

The higher the energy costs in Europe become, the higher the possibilities are for a windfall tax obligation on power companies as well as utilities, as federal governments will certainly be required to reduce the growing pressure on home finances, Citigroup says. Europe all at once could see an energy… Continue reading