Simulation Shows 42-Foot Waves Could Hit Seattle After Quake

The effects of a 7.5-magnitude earthquake on the Seattle Fault are depicted in a simulation released by the Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR).

The Washington State DNR tweeted on Thursday that tsunami waves “Tsunami waves could be as high as 42 feet at the Seattle Great Wheel and will reach inland as far as Lumen Field and T-Mobile Park,”

According to a news release, the study was created by geologists working for the DNR’s Washington Geological Survey division.

According to research, the Seattle area would be reached by 40-foot-tall tsunami waves in less than 3 minutes in the event of a magnitude 7.5 earthquake on the Seattle Fault.

The news release says that “Tsunami inundation and strong currents may continue for more than 3 hours from the start of the earthquake.”
The Seattle area would experience shoreline flooding and changes as a result of a strong earthquake, according to the study.

The press release states that the Seattle Fault has not experienced an earthquake since roughly 1,100 years ago.

According to the press release, the study was “conducted to help local and state emergency managers and planners develop and refine response and preparedness plans for a tsunami in the middle of Washington’s largest population center and economic hub.”

Information from CNN was used in this report



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